On the 31st January 2019, MacLennan Norman hosted the first in the series of Vital Conversations events.  Thirty people from across the private, public and not for profits sectors came together to explore and discuss “The Elephant in the Room- Transforming How Your Business Manages Conflict”


Key features of the event included:

  • The launch of our White Paper MacLennan Norman Cost of Conflict Whitepaper- January2019 examining the £33 billion-pound conflict problem affecting UK Businesses and the impact on the three C’s Cost, Customers/Clients and Communication
  • The work MacLennan Norman undertakes with it’s clients who are experiencing conflict or organisational change
  • The impact of conflict in action and the emotional, financial and reputational impacts of conflict
  • The benefits of investing in external support in the form of a mediator/impartial facilitator to demonstrate added value

The event then allowed protected time for delegates to explore the common Elephants that exist within their own industries and organisations.

MacLennan Norman can help:
You discover what the Top 5 Elephants were from the event and what you should do about removing them from your organisation
Your organisation host a bespoke Elephant in the Room ‘Lunch and Learn’ session delivered by MacLennan Norman- specialists in conflict resolution and transformational change
Your organisation save money and make your workplace a happier place to be
Feedback from delegates:

People naturally avoid “elephants in the room” and there is none more destructive to a business than ignoring or handling badly conflict in the work place.  With their extensive experience, Jo and Jayne showed how to take the emotion out of the situation and how to manage it going forward.  Using external experts also eases some of the pressure of dealing with people with whom you have existing relationships.   Derek B. Stewart, Chief Executive, Strategic Asset Managers

“Vital Conversations was a stimulating, engaging, thought-provoking and challenging ‘call to action’ to address the costs and consequences of conflict in the workplace. MacLennan Norman are to be congratulated in pulling together such a captivating workshop programme.” Professor Richard T Harrison, Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Edinburgh Business School

Contact us: 

Email: info@maclennannorman.com    Phone: 0131 478 9639/07824 331 473

Based on delegate feedback from our January event, we intend to host future Vital Conversation Events- stay tuned for further details!